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The talented staff at Illustrated Point provides expertise in the design of infographics and conceptual illustration. Infographic design is the art of combining photos, illustrations, text and graphical elements in an attractive, comprehensive visual story that provide a deeper understanding to readers than text alone.

Conceptual Illustration is an advantageous tool for consultants to use in the explanation of high level, conceptual strategies. We understand it is often difficult to explain highly conceptual recommendations to clients/audiences through text alone. We specialize in illustrating your conceptual message into a visual, which provides deeper understanding to clients/audiences.

Illustrated Point's staff consists of infographic specialists who are extremely knowledgeable in a variety of industries and non-profit organizations. They ask appropriate questions and come up to speed quickly with the message to be conveyed. Additionally, they are talented designers who portray the message into succinct visuals for use in presentations, handouts, articles, annual reports and brochures.